
Xbox Authentication


var authenticator = // create authenticator using login handlers
authenticator.AddXboxAuthForJE(xbox => xbox.Basic());
//authenticator.AddXboxAuth(xbox => xbox.Basic(XboxAuthConstants.XboxLiveRelyingParty)); // same code


authenticator.AddXboxAuthForJE(xbox => xbox.Basic());
//authenticator.AddXboxAuth(xbox => xbox.Basic("relyingParty"));

This is the most basic method. It only gets the minimum information (UserToken, XstsToken) needed to log in.

Accounts that are not age-verified, and accounts that are under the age of 18 may experience issues when logging in this way (error codes 8015dc0c, 8015dc0d, 8015dc0e). You can work around this by using the Full method or the Sisu method.


authenticator.AddXboxAuthForJE(xbox => xbox.Full());
//authenticator.AddXboxAuth(xbox => xbox.Full("relyingParty"));

Gets the UserToken, DeviceToken, and XstsToken.


authenticator.AddXboxAuthForJE(xbox => xbox.Sisu(XboxGameTitles.MinecraftJava));
//authenticator.AddXboxAuth(xbox => xbox.Sisu("relyingParty",  "<CLIENT-ID>"));

Use the SISU login method. Get all tokens: UserToken, DeviceToken, TitleToken, XstsToken. Most age-related issues can be resolved this way.

This only works if <CLIENT-ID> is related to an Xbox game (for example, the CLIENT-ID used by the Minecraft launcher).

You can't use a personally issued Azure ID, i.e. you can't use it with MSAL.

Device Options

authenticator.AddXboxAuth(xbox => xbox

When using a authentication method that gets a DeviceToken, you can apply the Device settings. Call .WithDeviceType() and .WithDeviceVersion() before calling the authentication method.

Handling errors

There are various error scenarios when authenticating with Xbox. If an error occurs during authentication, an XboxAuthException is thrown and you can get an ErrorCode and ErrorMessage.

All ErrorCodes can be found XboxAuthException.

Last updated