
Provides helper methods for initializing IPublicClientApplication.


using XboxAuthNet.Game.Msal;

IPublicClientApplication app = await MsalClientHelper.BuildApplicationWithCache("<CLIENT-ID>");

Fill your Azure App Id in <CLIENT-ID>. For more information, see the ClientID.

CreateDefaultApplicationBuilder(string cid)

Initializing a PublicClientApplicationBuilder instance set up for Xbox authentication.

RegisterCache(IPublicClientApplication app, MsalCacheSettings cacheSettings)

Apply the cache settings object, cacheSettings, to app.

RegisterCache(IPublicClientApplication app, StorageCreationProperties storageProperties)

Apply the cache settings object storageProperties to app.

BuildApplication(string cid)

Initializing an IPublicClientApplication set up for Xbox authentication.

BuildApplicationWithCache(string cid)

Initializing an IPublicClientApplication set up for Xbox authentication and returns it with the default account cache settings applied.

The default cache settings are:

BuildApplicationWithCache(string cid, MsalCacheSettings cacheSettings)

Initializing an IPublicClientApplication set up for Xbox authentication, applies the cache settings, cacheSettings, and returns it.

BuildApplicationWithCache(string cid, StorageCreationProperties storageProperties)

Create an IPublicClientApplication set up for Xbox authentication and return it with the cache settings, storageProperties.

ToMicrosoftOAuthResponse(AuthenticationResult result)

Convert the MSAL login result, AuthenticationResult, to a MicrosoftOAuthResponse object used by XboxAuthNet.

Last updated