JELoginHandler only works on Windows. To use it on another platform, you must use it with XboxAuthNet.Game.Msal.
There are two ways to use CmlLib.Core.Auth.Microsoft with XboxAuthNet.Game.Msal.
Register an OAuthProvider when initializing JELoginHandler.
Create an IAuthenticator and add a MSAL authenticator.
Register an OAuthProvider
Register the OAuthProvider when initializing the JELoginHandler so that all subsequent methods you call will handle the login with the MSAL.
var app = await MsalClientHelper.BuildApplicationWithCache("CLIENT-ID");
var loginHandler = new JELoginHandlerBuilder()
.WithOAuthProvider(new MsalCodeFlowProvider(app))
// login
var session = await loginHandler.Authenticate();
// add new account
var session = await loginHandler.AuthenticateInteractively();
// login with most recently logged in account
var session = await loginHandler.AuthenticateSilently();
// clear
await loginHandler.Signout();
// signout
await loginHandler.SignoutWithBrowser();
For more information about loginHandler, see JELoginHandler.
Using AddMsalOAuth
Authenticating with new account:
var app = await MsalClientHelper.BuildApplicationWithCache("CLIENT-ID");
var loginHandler = new JELoginHandlerBuilder()
// create authenticator with new account
var authenticator = loginHandler.CreateAuthenticatorWithNewAccount();
authenticator.AddMsalOAuth(app, msal => msal.Interactive());
authenticator.AddXboxAuthForJE(xbox => xbox.Basic());
var session = await authenticator.ExecuteForLauncherAsync();
Authenticating with the most recent account:
var app = await MsalClientHelper.BuildApplicationWithCache("CLIENT-ID");
var loginHandler = new JELoginHandlerBuilder()
// create authenticator with the most recent account
var authenticator = loginHandler.CreateAuthenticatorWithDefaultAccount();
authenticator.AddMsalOAuth(app, msal => msal.Silent());
authenticator.AddXboxAuthForJE(xbox => xbox.Basic());
var session = await authenticator.ExecuteForLauncherAsync();
var app = await MsalClientHelper.BuildApplicationWithCache("CLIENT-ID");
var loginHandler = new JELoginHandlerBuilder()
var authenticator = loginHandler.CreateAuthenticatorWithDefaultAccount();
authenticator.AddMsalOAuth(app, msal => msal.ClearSession());
var session = await authenticator.ExecuteForLauncherAsync();
For more methods in MSAL, such as msal.Interactive(), msal.Silent(), and more, see OAuth.