Get game outputs (logs)
You can read standard output of game process.
As CreateProcess
method returns Process
instance, you can use all APIs of Process
. (reference )
Copy process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = false;
process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
process.ErrorDataReceived += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine(e.Data);
process.OutputDataReceived += (s, e) => Console.WriteLine(e.Data);
Above code write all game outputs to console. You can check game logs in console.
Launch custom game client
You need two file: <version_name>.jar
, <version_name>.json
Put these files into <game_directory>/versions/<version_name>
Copy <game_directory>
| - versions
| | - myversion
| | | - myversion.jar
| | | - myversion.json
Make sure that version directory name, jar file name, json file name, and id
property in version json file is all same.
If you copy version json file from vanilla version json file, you should remove downloads
property in version json file to prevent launcher overwrites your custom version jar file with vanilla version file.
(Example for 1.12.2.json)
Copy 1.12.2.json <-> 1.12.2-modified.json
| {
| "assetIndex": {
| "id": "1.12",
| "sha1": "1584b57c1a0b5e593fad1f5b8f78536ca640547b",
| "size": 143138,
| "totalSize": 129336389,
| "url": ""
| },
| "assets": "1.12",
| "complianceLevel": 0,
-| "downloads": { <===== REMOVE this property
-| "client": {
-| "sha1": "0f275bc1547d01fa5f56ba34bdc87d981ee12daf",
-| "size": 10180113,
-| "url": ""
-| },
-| "server": {
-| "sha1": "886945bfb2b978778c3a0288fd7fab09d315b25f",
-| "size": 30222121,
-| "url": ""
-| }
-| },
*| "id": "1.12.2-modified", <== make sure id is same as version name
| "javaVersion": {
| "component": "jre-legacy",
| "majorVersion": 8
| },
All version which Mojang launcher can launch also can be launched by CmlLib.Core. Make sure that your custom version works well in Mojang launcher before using CmlLib.Core. CmlLib.Core wouldn't able to launch your version if Mojang launcher can't.
Minecraft launched by CmlLib 0.0.1
~ CmlLib.Core 3.3.3
may have log4j2 vulnerability. It is safe after CmlLib.Core 3.3.4
Last updated 7 months ago