If the request is failed, it throws appropriate exception. For example, MojangException
is thrown when the mojang server returns error message.
How to get AccessToken
You can get these token by Mojang Authentication or Microsoft Xbox Authentication. See 로그인과 세션 .
Copy var session = await loginHandler . Authenticate ();
var username = session . Username ;
var uuid = session . UUID ;
username -> uuid
Copy Mojang mojang = new Mojang ( new HttpClient ());
PlayerUUID uuid = await mojang . GetUUID ( "username" );
// uuid.UUID
// uuid.IsLegacy
// uuid.IsDemo
usernames -> uuids
Copy Mojang mojang = new Mojang ( new HttpClient ());
PlayerUUID [] uuids = await mojang . GetUUIDs ( new string [] { "user1" , "user2" });
foreach ( PlayerUUID uuid in uuids)
Console . WriteLine ( uuid . UUID );
note: this api has been deprecated by Mojang
Copy Mojang mojang = new Mojang ( new HttpClient ());
NameHistory [] response = await mojang . GetNameHistories ( "uuid" );
foreach ( NameHistory item in response . Histories )
// item.Name
// item.ChangedToAt
// item.ChangedTime
Copy Mojang mojang = new Mojang ( new HttpClient ());
PlayerProfile profile = await mojang . GetProfileUsingUUID ( "uuid" );
// profile.UUID
// profile.Name
// profile.Skin
// profile.IsLegacy
note: this api only works on xbox account
Copy Mojang mojang = new Mojang ( new HttpClient ());
PlayerProfile profile = await mojang . GetProfileUsingAccessToken ( "accessToken" );
note: this api only works on xbox account
Copy Mojang mojang = new Mojang ( new HttpClient ());
PlayerAttributes attributes = await mojang . GetPlayerAttributes ( "accessToken" );
// attributes.Privileges.OnlineChat
// attributes.Privileges.MultiplayerServer
// attributes.Privileges.MultiplayerRealms
// attributes.Privileges.Telemtry
// attributes.ProfanityFilterPreferences.ProfanityFilterOn
note: this api only works on xbox account
Copy Mojang mojang = new Mojang ( new HttpClient ());
string [] blocklists = await mojang . GetPlayerBlocklist ( "accessToken" );
note: this api only works on xbox account
Copy Mojang mojang = new Mojang ( new HttpClient ());
PlayerCertificates certs = await mojang . GetPlayerCertificates ( "accessToken" );
// certs.KeyPair.PrivateKey
// certs.KeyPair.PublicKey
// certs.PublicKeySignature
// certs.ExpiresAt
// certs.RefreshedAfter
Copy Mojang mojang = new Mojang ( new HttpClient ());
string ? result = await mojang . CheckNameAvailability ( "accessToken" , "newName" );
note: this api only works on xbox account
Copy Mojang mojang = new Mojang ( new HttpClient ());
PlayerProfile profile = await mojang . ChangeName ( "accessToken" , "newName" );
note: this api only works on xbox account
Copy Mojang mojang = new Mojang ( new HttpClient ());
// SkinType.Steve or SkinType.Alex
PlayerProfile response = await mojang . ChangeSkin ( "uuid" , "accessToken" , SkinType . Steve , "skinUrl" );
note: this api only works on xbox account
Copy Mojang mojang = new Mojang ( new HttpClient ());
// SkinType.Steve or SkinType.Alex
await mojang . UploadSkin ( "accessToken" , SkinType . Steve , "skin_png_file_path" );
Copy Mojang mojang = new Mojang ( new HttpClient ());
Stream stream; // create stream for uploading skin
await mojang . UploadSkin ( "accessToken" , SkinType . Steve , stream , "file_name" );
note: this api only works on xbox account
Copy Mojang mojang = new Mojang ( new HttpClient ());
await mojang . ResetSkin ( "uuid" , "accessToken" );
Copy Mojang mojang = new Mojang ( new HttpClient ());
string [] servers = await mojang . GetBlockedServer ();
note: this api was obsoleted by mojang
Copy Mojang mojang = new Mojang ( new HttpClient ());
Statistics stats = await mojang . GetStatistics (
StatisticOption . ItemSoldMinecraft ,
StatisticOption . ItemSoldCobalt
// stats.Total
// stats.Last24h
// stats.SaleVelocityPerSeconds
note1: this api only works on xbox account
note2: this api does not check xbox game pass. if the user has xbox game pass instead of purchase minecraft, this api return false
. but the user owns minecraft and can play it.
Copy Mojang mojang = new Mojang ( new HttpClient ());
bool result = await mojang . CheckGameOwnership ( "accessToken" );
if (result)
Console . WriteLine ( "You have Minecraft JE" );
Console . WriteLine ( "You don't have Minecraft JE" );
Last updated 6 months ago