This is required to get the skin change endpoint to work in case the services do not trust your IP yet.
Most methods return MojangAPIResponse or class inherited from MojangAPIResponse.
You can check whether the request was successful or failed to check IsSuccess property in MojangAPIResponse.
If IsSuccess is false, Error and ErrorMessage property tell you why the request failed.
using MojangAPI.SecurityQuestion;
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
QuestionFlow questionFlow = new QuestionFlow(httpClient);
await questionFlow.CheckTrusted("accessToken");
Console.WriteLine("Your IP was trusted");
QuestionList questions = await questionFlow.GetQuestionList("accessToken");
for (int i = 0; i < questions.Count; i++)
Question question = questions[i];
Console.WriteLine($"Q{i + 1}. [{question.QuestionId}] {question.QuestionMessage}");
Console.Write("Answer? : ");
var answer = Console.ReadLine();
question.Answer = answer;
await questionFlow.SendAnswers(questions, session.AccessToken);
QuestionList list; // you can get this from GetQuestionsList method, like 'questionList' variable above.
await questionFlow.SendAnswers(list, "accessToken");